Ermitas románicas

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  • Ermitas románicas

    Mare de Déu del Roser d'Organyà
    The Virgin of the Rosary of Or...
    Despoblado medieval de Santa Cruz de Llagunes
    At an altitude of 1628 metres ...
    The chapel of Notre-Dame de Ro...
    Carme de Perriques
    A beautiful chapel in the area...
    Sant Felip Encamp
    Santa Eulàlia de Pomanyons
    The hermitage was moved due to...
    Sant Joan d'Auros Unarre
    Hermitage of Sant Joan d'Auró...
    San Roque Llavorre
    Hermitage of Sant Roc. Small h...
    Mare de Deu de la Roca Escart
    Our Lady of the Rock . Sanctua...
    Sant Quirc del Pla de l'Ermita
    Located in Pla de l'Ermita, 2 ...
    Sant Nicolau
    Located in Aigüestortes i Est...
    Santa Margarida de Peranera
    Construction: 11th century Lo...


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