El Cabirol Solanel

El Cabirol Solanel

Families, couples, friends, singles or small work or activity groups. It is a good place to meet new people with similar concerns and values, sharing the table, the kitchen, a good movie and a social gathering around the fireplace. The space lends itself to it.   Meetings of friends  A perfect place to share good times with friends Family reunions An unbeatable place to enjoy it wiht your family. Work meetings With the kitchen closed and the complement of a large format screen, the space is transformed into a magnificent work. An activity Monitors-tea
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  • Families, couples, friends, singles or small work or activity groups. It is a good place to meet new people with similar concerns and values, sharing the table, the kitchen, a good movie and a social gathering around the fireplace.

    The space lends itself to it.


    Meetings of friends 

    A perfect place to share good times with friends

    Family reunions

    An unbeatable place to enjoy it wiht your family.

    Work meetings

    With the kitchen closed and the complement of a large format screen, the space is transformed into a magnificent work.

    An activity

    Monitors-teachers with their group. By removing the tables and chairs, you can have an area 45 m2 without obstacles.


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